Yesterday, the 1st of October of 2021, was my first day working for the European Commission. So far, I'm still just a trainee at the Representation in Lisbon, but I think I can already say I am, even if so far for just five months, an European Union civil servant.
I am writing this blog post because I want to record it and, hopefully, look back within years, maybe decades, and read what were my thoughts back in the day. And for now, my first one is that it's a dream come true to have an EC email address!
The first day at the Rep was alright, everybody was super nice and the working environment, since most people spent most of their lives abroad before (Brussels and other places in delegations), is more horizontal than vertical. This is great, as I got used to it in the Netherlands and I identify myself better with this style of hierarchy.
Furthermore, and while the work of the organization seems to be a bit of everything overall, my traineeship plan in particular will make me focus on 2/3 priorities of the current von der Leyen Commission. I am for sure choosing the European Green Deal for writing an analytical final report, and I would also like to develop my knowledge further on Youth and economic reforms - which are very broad themes but I mean in relation to the EGD in particular. Then, there's really cool stuff coming up as well like the Web Summit, where we will be receiving Commissioners and I am super looking forward to it. Other than this, the place is nice (close to Avenida da Liberdade) and while it's a bit weird to work and not study in Lisbon, I will get used to it pretty soon.
In addition to all of this, I will also have the honour and extreme luck to go to Edinburgh to TED Countdown in mid-October. This is one of the biggest TED conferences that will focus on topics related to climate change, and it will be an opportunity to meet Vice-President Timmermans in the scope of a new initiative that is being launched: peer parliaments. Very, very exciting as well to take part in it and further expand the democratic engagement of everybody in the Union for this cause.